About Us
The making of Don’t Lose the Plot
What happens when four young farmers, one man and one woman each from Kenya and Tanzania, are all given one acre plots to farm side-by-side throughout a growing season for the chance at winning an agricultural investment worth US$10,000?
Compelling television like you’ve never seen before!
Don’t Lose the Plot (DLTP) is a new departure in agricultural programming. It brings a particular format of reality television – the ‘makeover’ and the ‘competition’ – to a novel context, that of encouraging Kenyan and Tanzanian youth into farming as a business and, as a way of improving their livelihoods.
The contestants will be competing head to head – each striving to be the most profitable, business minded and resilient farmer in the group.
Who will be our ultimate victor? Tune in each week as the plot continues to thicken.
Don't Lose the Plot is encouraging youth to go into agribusiness. Can you dig it?
Who we are
We are a team of professionals dedicated to shaping sustainable development and improving the livelihoods of large audiences in Africa, one television show at a time.
Don’t Lose the Plot is the fourth television program produced by The Mediae Company whose other productions include Shamba Shape Up, Makutano Junction and Know Zone to name a few. Mediae develops educative, entertaining and effective media, supplying vital knowledge and information in forms that can be widely accessed and understood.
Our objective
Getting your hands dirty on a farm is not a thing for the youth. With the average age of African farmers at 60, it is high time that agriculture got a new look.
We want to promote farming amongst the youth as a ‘cool’ and viable career venture, so as to ensure for a food secure future.
The show aims to demystify the social and emotional barriers of starting a small business, challenge the societal prejudices against farming related careers, and arm potential youth entrepreneurs with basic knowledge on the entire value chain. This in turn will educate youth on the myriad of opportunities at their disposal to enter into and to grow agricultural economic activity.
Don’t Lose the Plot is an encouraging approach to increase farm productivity beyond subsistence needs, stem the exodus of rural youth to urban areas and, change the profile of farming.
Essentially, by learning from and emulating the contestants, audiences will hopefully be inspired to own, lease and run farms and agribusinesses of their own.