Cabbage varieties

Always buy certified seeds. Certified seeds:
Give high yields of good quality
Minimise the likelihood of crop failure
Are resistant to some pests and diseases
They grow fast, strongly and uniformly.
Choose your cabbage variety based on your soil test results, climate and what the market wants. Below is a list of their varieties that you can buy from Royal Seed:
- Matures in 75 days from transplanting
- Head weight 4-5 kgs
- Yield potential: 60 tonnes per acre
- Excellent Wrapper leaves and heat tolerance
- Dark green in colour
- Resistant to Fusarium Wilt
- Early maturing: Matures in 55 days from transplanting
- Head weight: 3 kgs
- Yield potential: 50 tonnes per acre
- Excellent Wrapper leaves and heat tolerance
- Blue Green in colour
- Resistant to Fursarium Yellow
- Mild tolerance to Black Rot
- Matures in 75 - 80 days from transplanting
- Head weight: 5 kgs
- Yield potential: 60 tonnes per acre
- Semi flat head shape with excellent wrapper leaves
- Heat tolerant
- Resistant to Ringspot and good tolerance to Black Rot
- Early maturing: Matures in 65 days from transplanting
- Head weight: 2.5-3 kgs
- Yield potential: 30-35 tonnes per acre
- Low crop protection cost
- Dark green in colour with a bright heart
For more information on where to get these cabbage varieties in your area, sign up to our mobile service iShamba through their website or by SMSing the word VIJANA to 21606.