
You can grow coriander for leaves or seeds.
Growing coriander for green leaves
Coriander green leaves take 1 to 1 and a half months to mature. When growing for green leaves, make several cuts during the growing season.
The first harvest should be done when the plants are about half foot high (10-15 cm).
This will encourage growth of more tillers/ lateral buds. You need to do 4-5 cuts during the growing season for green herb. This will give you an average yield of 2.8-4 tonnes per acre.
You can chop the green leaves and cook with meals.
Growing coriander for seeds
Seeds takes 3-4 months to mature.
When the flowers have dried, gently cut down the stems and dry in a clean tarpaulin for 2-3 days.
Finally thresh and winnow to get the clean coriander seeds.
If well managed, you can harvest 480 – 680 kg of seeds per acre.
Always harvest early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce losses due to shattering.
This is then processed to get mixed spices and curry powder.