Transplanting tomatoes

Step 1
Transplant seedlings after 3-4 weeks (15–25 cm tall and or with 3 - 5 leaves)Step 2
One week before you move, give plants less water to harden them.
Step 3
Dig holes 1 ½ feet apart in a row with rows 2 feet apart and ½ foot (15cm) deep.
Step 4
Put a handful of manure and a bottle top of planting fertilizers like Mavuno Planting NPK 10.26.10 per hole.
Step 5
Mix soil with fertiliser and manure well.
Step 6
Uproot a seedling with a ball of soil and plant then firm soil around them.
Step 7
Drench again with PEARL and CONTROL 70DF from Osho Chemicals and water the seedlings regularly. Drenching helps to kill early pests and diseases.