Building a brooding pen
Buy day-old chicks from Kenchic. Get the brooder ready 24 hours before your chicks arrive. Keep the brooding area well lit. A round pen stops chicks getting trapped in corners. Make the pen larger as your chicks grow.
- You need 5 feeding trays and 10 drinkers for 500 birds.
- Disinfect all equipment before use.
- No bird should walk more than 1.5 metres to food or water.
- Put a jiko 1 foot high in the middle of the pen. It will keep chicks warm for the first 14-21 days.
- Light the jiko 6 hours before the chicks arrive.
Make sure chicks are not too cold or too hot.
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Sunday 1:30 pm (Swahili)
Thursday 1:30 pm (English)
Friday 6:30 pm (Swahili)
on ITV
Sunday 3:30 pm (English)
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