Controlling parasites

Spray and de-worm your cows to keep them healthy. If your cow has worms and diseases from ticks, it will not grow well and will be poor quality for the market. You will not get a good price. A healthy herd also gives more milk.
External parasites
These include ticks, fleas, lice and flies. Regular dipping, every 2 weeks, or spraying with approved and effective acaricides like Grenade or Triatix from Coopers helps to control ticks like the Brown Ear Tick. Brown Ear Ticks cause diseases like East Coast Fever (ECF). Below are instructions on how to spray your cows properly:
Step 1
Mix the product with water in a knapsack. Follow the instructions on the packet. 10 litres of of mixed product is enough for 1 mature adult cow or 2 small calves.
Step 2
Spray the cow. Start at the back of the cow and spray towards the front of the cow. This is because cow hair grows from front to back, so the spray will reach the skin if you spray from the back.
Step 3
Spray like this until you get to the front of the cow. Make sure the whole cow has been sprayed. Don’t forget the hooves, face and under the tail.
Step 4
Spray every 7 days. Make sure you wear protective gear.
Internal parasites
Internal parasites include roundworms, flatworms, liver flukes, etc.
De-worm your cows every 3 months with Nefluk or Nilzan from Coopers. Do not wait for your cow to get worms before you treat it.
How much Nefluk or Nilzan you give your cow is based on its weight. Do not guess the weight, use a ‘weigh band’. If you give too little dewormer, the worms will get resistant.
It is recommended to do drenching when deworming to ensure the cow swallows the dose of the drug. To deworm using a drenching gun:
Step 1
Restrain the animal either by putting it between you legs (for small animals) or by putting it into a crush.
Step 2
Measure the drug into the bottle or drenching gun according to manufacturer’s instructions.Step 3
Put one hand over the animal's nose, open the mouth just enough to admit the gun or the bottle.Step 4
Place the bottle in the corner to the animal’s mouth and ensure that the tongue is not held when dosing.Step 5
Hold the mouth closed for a few seconds after withdrawing the gun or bottle so that the drug is completely swallowed.