Agri Info
Do you need help with building a housing unit for your chicken or how to control pests and diseases in your crops? Or perhaps you need tips with keeping financial records on your farm? If yes, let us help you! Click on the images below to get farming advice on the following topics.
Find out all you need to know about how to farm dairy cows and broilers as a business. Click on the images below for more information.
Want to start growing a certain crop but not sure on how to or where to begin? Not to worry! We’ve provided you with essential information to help you get started with your agribusiness.
Before you decide on what you want to grow as part of your agribusiness, do you know how to make a budget and what it’s purpose is? Have you thought of where, how and to whom you will sell your produce to? If you want to have a successful business, click on the images below for some helpful financial tips.